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    Monday, 4 May 2015

    Group By in mysql

    Group By

    Get all jobs of the employees:

    USE sample;
    SELECT job
    FROM works_on
    GROUP BY job;

    Aggregate Functions

    The argument of an aggregate function can be preceded by one of two keywords:
    -- ALL Indicates that all values of a column are to be considered (ALL is default value)
    --DISTINCT Eliminates duplicate values of a column before the aggregate function is applied

    Get the number and the last name of the employee with the lowest employee number:

    USE sample;
    SELECT emp_no, emp_lname
    FROM employee
    WHERE emp_no =
    (SELECT MIN(emp_no)
    FROM employee);

    Get the employee number of the manager who was entered last in the works_on table:

    USE sample;
    SELECT emp_no
    FROM works_on
    WHERE enter_date =
    (SELECT MAX(enter_date)
    FROM works_on
    WHERE job = 'Manager');

    Calculate the average of all budgets with an amount greater than $100,000:

    USE sample;
    SELECT AVG(budget) avg_budget
    FROM project
    WHERE budget > 100000;

    Count all different jobs in each project:

    USE sample;
    SELECT project_no, COUNT(DISTINCT job) job_count
    FROM works_on
    GROUP BY project_no;

    Get the number of each job in all projects:

    USE sample;
    SELECT job, COUNT(*) job_count
    FROM works_on
    GROUP BY job;

    HAVING Clause

    The HAVING clause defines the condition that is then applied to groups of rows.
    Hence, this clause has the same meaning to groups of rows that the WHERE clause

    Get project numbers for all projects employing fewer than four persons:

    USE sample;
    SELECT project_no
    FROM works_on
    GROUP BY project_no
    HAVING COUNT(*) < 4;

    Group rows of the works_on table by job and eliminate those jobs that do not begin
    with the letter M:

    USE sample;
    SELECT job
    FROM works_on
    GROUP BY job
    HAVING job LIKE 'M%';

    SELECT SalesOrderID, SUM(OrderQty) AS TotalOrderQty
    FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail
    WHERE SalesOrderID IN (43660, 43670, 43672)
    GROUP BY SalesOrderID;


    SELECT ManagerID AS Manager, COUNT(*) AS Reports
    FROM HumanResources.Employee2
    WHERE EmployeeID != 5
    GROUP BY ManagerID
    HAVING COUNT(*) > 3;

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